Bug Fixes 1.2

After some time with school and work, I was able to squeeze in some time for working on some bugs and fixes to what was happening in the last version. 

Fixed Bugs
1. Fixed the repel problem - I actually found out that some of the child objects were actually not acting as a trigger so when the player teleport to that location it just throws the object in what ever direction the player is moving towards.
2. Fixed the issue with the player triggering everything - This one was just me adding a tag that let the colliders  know what shape the player is in. Example is if the player is in cube form trying to teleport to a cylinder/disk teleporter then they should just phase through it.
3. Fixed some of the moving ability that the shapes have - This was a combination of changing the way some of the shapes interacted and changed the way the parent player object moved with the child.
4. Optimized the shape changes - This one was a big one since I was using a unity editor to do it instead of just doing it through code. This one took most of the time and became the template for how the others were fixed or optimized. I had to instantiate the prefab shape, spawn it by the other object shape, make sure it was attached to the player parent object and delete the old shape object.
5. Changing Prefabs - This one took a while too because I had to see how colliders work with each other, how they work with certain mesh types, and adjust them based on how I wanted the shapes to look like. There was a lot of testing and I am not 100% happy with the fix but it does the job and if I can find a better way to do it I will update it again (hopefully not breaking anything like last time).
6. Script adjusting - This one is vague because I either move scripts around in prefabs, deleted some completely and changed the way certain ones interacted with others. So lets just leave it at that because this one basically sums up the rest and just cleaning up some nasty code.

Roadmap is probably just making a work able level, some UI controls, menus, and exit and level selection would be nice.


Version1.2.1.zip 16 MB
Feb 26, 2020

Get Shape Changing and Teleportation

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